Live StreamView past streamsToday's ReadingsReading 1Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9Responsorial PsalmPsalm 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20Verse Before the GospelJohn 6:63c, 68cGospelMatthew 5:17-19Recent NewsCookbook RecipesWe are almost there! We are close to our goal of 300+ recipes for the 150th Anniversary St. Joseph cookbook! We are extending the deadline to 3/23 to reach our goal. We welcome all recipes and are especially in need of vegetable...Lenten Updates and 150th Anniversary CookbookSoup Supper We will begin our weekly Soup Suppers from 6:00—6:40 PM in the Parish Social Hall Stations of the Cross We will begin our weekly Stations of the Cross tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. 150th Anniversary Cookbook...Ash WednesdayEnter into the beginning of the Lenten season this Ash Wednesday, March 5th with Mass at 7 AM, Noon, and 7 PM. "We must make an even greater effort during these days of Lent. It is not a simple matter of living through forty...View More NewsUpcoming EventsMar 2610:00pmAdoration / ConfessionMar 2611:00pmMassMar 27All DayParish Office ClosedMar 2712:00pmMassView Calendar